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Facilitation & consensus building

Meaningful and inclusive consultation

Footprint has carried out numerous consultations with local and national organisations and with the wider public on a range of issues to do with land use and land management for people and wildlife.

Seeking consensus

During consultations we employ a wide range of tools and techniques to provide information in an appropriate way to inform and encourage responses from stakeholders without restricting or leading the responses, and to seek the widest possible consensus. Techniques include facilitated workshops, focus groups, online and visitor questionnaires, public meetings, talks to invited and public audiences, site visits and walks, drop-in events, meetings with specialist groups and one-to-one meetings. We also produce a wide range of illustrated literature to advertise consultations, provide information and encourage responses. we can also organise publicity including letters, social media, posters, articles, and press releases.

A common purpose

Based on our experience, we have provided guidance on undertaking consultations. For example, we were asked to input substantially into the revision of the document “A Common Purpose” which gives guidance on the principles and practice of carrying out consultations for the management of common land, and we have run training on Common Land in partnership with the Open Spaces Society which includes advice on how to carry out and achieve successful consultations.


We also use our facilitation skills in a range of situations. Examples include facilitating workshops or meetings with representatives of different interest groups to discuss recreation management at sites where there is user conflict, or in bringing neighbouring planning authorities to a consensus for strategic mitigation schemes relating to housing and European protected sites.

Contact us to discuss your project

We’re always ready to talk about your requirements, so please do get in touch today

Tel: +44 (0)1929 552444